Nigeria’s Buhari suspends spy chief after $43m found in Lagos

The cash was kept in a Lagos flat for covert operations, intelligence officials told local media.

Nigeria’s Buhari suspends spy chief after $43m found in Lagos

The cash was kept in a Lagos flat for covert operations, intelligence officials told local media.

Uganda ends hunt for LRA leader Joseph Kony

Leader of rebel group notorious for kidnapping children no longer a threat, Ugandan army says.

New Algeria coach Lucas Alcaraz outlines his vision

Spaniard Lucas Alcaraz says he wants to integrate his ideas with those of the Algeria Football Federation and not impose anything them on the team.

‘Phenomenal’ progress in fighting tropical diseases

There has been a record-breaking achievement in distributing tablets to fight neglected tropical diseases, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation says.

Deadly attack near Egypt’s old monastery

A policeman is killed as gunmen attack a checkpoint near St Catherine's monastery in south Sinai.

Algeria parties ordered to show female faces on posters

The authorities acted after some parties blanked out female faces on posters in a nod to conservatism.

Google doodle pays tribute to Ghana’s Aunty Ocloo

She became one of Ghana's most successful businesswomen after starting her business with less than a dollar.

Learning about #GrannyWisdom

Zimbabwean film-maker Steven Chikosi has been learning lessons from his 81 year-old granny Gogo Muchena.

Nigeria reopens Abuja airport after runway repairs

Repairs to the potholed runway in Nigeria's capital, Abuja, are finished ahead of schedule.