Ethiopia PM Abiy eyes Red Sea port, inflaming tensions
Abiy Ahmed says that access to a port is an existential question for his landlocked country.
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Abiy Ahmed says that access to a port is an existential question for his landlocked country.
Irish chef Alan Fisher cooked for more than five days to clinch the cooking marathon world record from Hilda Baci.
Appeal judges at Scotland's highest civil court halt a compensation case by Kenyan tea pickers.
South Africa's Bongi Mbonambi accuses England of being "unprofessional" after alleging he directed a racial slur at Tom Curry.
The government's staunch support for the Palestinians is criticised by leaders of the Jewish community.
Even for a country where crime levels are high, an armed attack on a cabinet member is rare.
An investigation is under way but officials say it happened as a diesel generator was being serviced.
The row threatens to disrupt the fragile peace following the end of the civil war a year ago.
Relatives say John Okafor, known as Mr Ibu, has endured seven operations to save his life.
The opposition's Peter Obi criticises the ruling that ended his presidential poll result challenge.
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