Why Kenya-Uganda oil row is causing regional jitters
Landlocked Uganda has accused Kenyan middlemen of inflating petrol prices by up to 58%.
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Landlocked Uganda has accused Kenyan middlemen of inflating petrol prices by up to 58%.
Ghana fall to a 1-0 defeat in Comoros while Cameroon and Senegal are forced to settle for away draws in 2026 World Cup qualifying.
A fan of the rapper is overwhelmed at her responding after asking Minaj to add Nigeria to her tour.
At least 37 people have died in a crush during an army recruitment drive, Brazzaville officials say.
The number of displaced people by the rains in Somalia has gone up by 100,000 in just one week, bringing the number to close to 650,000 people.
It comes a day after South Africa called for an ICC arrest warrant against Israel's prime minister.
At least three have died after a car hit people cheering Joseph Boakai's presidential election win.
How Rwanda has recovered from 1994 genocide to produce a cricket team which stands on the cusp of T20 World Cup qualification.
Michelle Obama, Amal Clooney and Melinda French Gates tell the BBC about need to end child marriage.
Ivory Coast beat The Gambia 2-0 to make it two wins from two at the start of 2026 Fifa World Cup qualifying as Kenya thrash Seychelles and Mali are held at home.
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