Africa needs China and the US to work together
The US promotes democracy and China builds infrastructure but people in Africa want both.
This author has yet to write their bio.Meanwhile lets just say that we are proud BBC News - Africa contributed a whooping 18857 entries.
The US promotes democracy and China builds infrastructure but people in Africa want both.
The Nigerian writer shares her experience of grief and her thoughts on "cancel culture" and trans rights.
It's reported that up to one million doses of Covid vaccine in Nigeria have expired and are to be destroyed.
Nigeria's all-women lawyers offering free services to those unable to get bail and people facing long pre-trial detentions.
They are charged with incitement to debauchery, gender discrimination and violence against women.
A profile of BBC African Sports Personality of the Year 2021 nominee Ntando Mahlangu.
A small study in South Africa suggests the new variant could partially evade the Pfizer jab.
A 19-year-old tells of his harrowing ordeal at the hands of traffickers who tricked him and his parents.
A landmark ruling during a matrimonial case in Kenya acknowledged that housework is work.
Vice-President Prosper Bazombanza says at least 69 more people are being treated for injuries.
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