Shugabar Tanzania Samia Suluhu Hassan: ‘ Na yi kokarin tabattar da zaman lafiya a kasata’
Wakilin BBC Salim Kikeke ya yi magana da shugaba Samia Suluhu Hassan kan sauyin da samu karkashin jagorancinta a cikin shekara guda
This author has yet to write their bio.Meanwhile lets just say that we are proud BBC News - Africa contributed a whooping 18857 entries.
Wakilin BBC Salim Kikeke ya yi magana da shugaba Samia Suluhu Hassan kan sauyin da samu karkashin jagorancinta a cikin shekara guda
President Ramaphosa says the country has been asked to mediate in the conflict in Ukraine.
President Ramaphosa says the country has been asked to mediate in the conflict in Ukraine.
President Ramaphosa says the country has been asked to mediate in the conflict in Ukraine.
President Ramaphosa says the country has been asked to mediate in the conflict in Ukraine.
President Ramaphosa says the country has been asked to mediate in the conflict in Ukraine.
President Ramaphosa says the country has been asked to mediate in the conflict in Ukraine.
President Ramaphosa says the country has been asked to mediate in the conflict in Ukraine.
The BBC's Esther Akello Ogola explains how the lack of safety for women in public spaces in Kenya has been problematic for years.
The Mauritius cycling team are determined to race at the African Road Championships in Egypt despite having 12 competition bicycles stolen in South Africa.
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