Kenyan policeman’s suicide: A widow’s grief
The force takes on mental health to help officers affected by stress - but for some it comes too late.
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The force takes on mental health to help officers affected by stress - but for some it comes too late.
World champion Caster Semenya brands African athletics leaders "cowards" for failing to fight for female athletes facing eligibility issues.
Most of the 21 who died at the weekend were young teenagers, the police minister says.
Original Ife bronze heads, of which only some 20 survive, are thought to be about 700 years old.
A huge crowd of migrants storm a fence into Melilla in North Africa, with 23 killed and many injured.
Sharon Juhl is not your ordinary clown, he is a medical clown bringing smiles to hospitalised children.
Diana Mwazi is one of many young Kenyans who see elections as a way to make money, not bring change.
DCI Neil Hibberd helped investigate the murder of David Tebbutt and the kidnap of his wife Jude.
The prince also tells Commonwealth leaders it is up to nations whether they remain monarchies.
A selection of the best photos from across Africa and beyond this week.
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