Kenya officials ‘exhume man’s body to retrieve uniform’

Kenyan officials are accused of violating local laws and cultural practices by exhuming the body.

Kenya officials exhume man’s body to retrieve uniform

Kenyan officials are accused of violating local laws and cultural practices by exhuming the body.

Letter from Africa: The power of an apostrophe

Who does Ghana credit as its founding fathers? Our public holidays reflect our grapples with history.

Letter from Africa: The power of an apostrophe

Who does Ghana credit as its founding fathers? Our public holidays reflect our grapples with history.

The children sent to a DRC ‘holiday camp’ never to come back

A Belgian court is investigating an orphanage for alleged abduction of children from DR Congo.

The children sent to a DRC ‘holiday camp’ never to come back

A Belgian court is investigating an orphanage for alleged abduction of children from DR Congo.

The Troubles: Does South Africa hold lessons for Northern Ireland?

The BBC's Johannesburg correspondent asks if NI can learn lessons from South Africa's handling of the past.

Israeli billionaire Beny Steinmetz to be tried over ‘Guinea bribes’

Swiss prosecutors are seeking a prison term for Beny Steinmetz for alleged bribery, which he denies.

London officer appears on Nigerian Big Brother

Scotland Yard said it was investigating as PC Khafi Kareem had gone on the programme "without authority".

Joshua Akinotanhe plays several instruments and looks set for stardom.

Joshua Akinotanhe, who has starred on TV talent shows in his home country, says music is his life.